采用特别的污垢溶解剂,能迅速清除旅游鞋,运动鞋,上的污迹尘渍. 本品添加特效增白酶,能在鞋表面形成保护膜减缓灰尘的附着,使鞋子保持光洁.
使用方法 使用前请先摇匀, 将刷头对准需要清洁部份,轻压刷头使液体充盈刷头,轻轻擦洗到洁亮 用干布或纸巾拭净泡沫即可
注意事项 请放置小孩子触碰不到的地方 本品不适用于布绒面料鞋子 产品不慎入眼,请即用清水冲洗
For all sports shoes. The easy way to remove dirt & grime.
Is made from specially selected surfactants to clean dirty sports shoes easily.
Just press the unique patented applicator against shoe.
Scrub with bristles, then clean off foam. Allow to dry
Contact: 标奇家庭用品有限公司
Phone: +86 13424552511
E-mail: derek@zsbaili.com
Add: No. 38, Huazhong Road, Yongning, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China 528415 广东省中山市小榄镇永宁华中路